The Introduction

My name is Matt and I recently had a daughter.  As a new father I, of course, am freaking out about the added cost of having this wonderful little girl.  My wife and I recently spent some time going through our finances, and the two biggest additions at this point have been adding her to our insurance and daycare.  Both will equate to a large amount of money monthly that we do not really have.  Not to mention all the other little purchases that seem to be made on a daily basis.  So, I started thinking about ways to make some extra money.

My first thought was, how do I make one million dollars.  Then maybe I can quit my job and spend all my time with my wife and daughter, which is really what I want to do anyway.  So, I did some research on the internet.  Most of what I found was the get rich quick stuff, and I am not stupid enough to try one of those.  Okay, maybe I am.  I tried one years ago, but it didn't work out.  Anyway, I tried thinking of ways to make a million dollars on my own.  The only thing I could come up with was to just ask for it.  What if I started a blog or a website asking for one dollar from everyone.  There are over 300 million people just in the United States.  Do you think one million people would give me a dollar?  Probably not in this economy.  Okay, probably not ever.

In the process of researching I came across a book that caught my interest (more on the book later).  I noticed that a sample of the book was available for the Kindle.  I then downloaded the Kindle app for the iPhone and then downloaded the sample.  The sample gave me the introduction and the first chapter of the book.  In just that little bit, I learned a little about blogging and found other websites I then looked at.  From there I came up with my plan.  Now, I am not planning to make one million dollars with this plan, but I hope to make a little money to offset the cost of having my beautiful daughter.

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